Resicom CEO Shares Recovery Strategy on
“Sometimes You Have to Look Over the Edge and Not Blink”
Resicom CEO, John Fairclough’s featured article on recalls the moment he
thought the company might not survive. Many businesses, with Resicom being no exception,
felt the strain of the economic downturn. In May of 2009, two critical clients for the national
facility maintenance company cut spend by 80% and 90% respectively. The effect could have
been catastrophic to Resicom forcing the company to close its doors.
What could have been a devastating blow instead became Resicom’s finest hour. From self-
awareness came a structured recovery plan that addressed all areas of the company.
Transparency within all levels of the company was key, and with full visibility, employees
became part of the solution.
To view the entire story visit Business Cliffhangers on